Craft Identification number decoder plugin

Module script 2 header

HIN Decoder Widget

To use the HIN Decoder widget, just insert this HTML code in the body of your web site where you want the decoder to appear:

<div id="hin-decoder-widget"></div><script src=""></script>

old version with iframe:
	<iframe src="" width='750' height='900'>
	<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

HIN decoder Web Service API

We offer a REST API to decode your HIN numbers programmatically and check its validity as well as find out the make of the boat. The API lets you connect your app or website programmatically with our system. Prices start at $20 per month with same-day setup.

>> Start a Free Trial here (for programmers) <<
A Sample of the output is shown below:

Join the unlimited plan here: