No scraping allowed. Use the API instead. It is only $20 dude!DVE Boat Recalls and History Reports

DVE Boat Builder Search and Recall results:

The manufacturer identification code (MIC) of your craft identification number (CIN or HIN) is DVE. This MIC (DVE) stands for the company name Dave Exley which is currently Out of Business. This boat manufacturer code has other company names (DVE sometimes goes by these name(s) if applicable: , , , or ). This could happen if the US Coast Guard reissued the MIC to a new company after the first went out of business.

Boat Manufacturer Identification Code lookup for DVE (Dave Exley)

This company (Dave Exley) is owned by Dave Exley and is located at 108 Monaco Rd in Melbourne state of Fl. It manufactured this vessel and placed your HIN or CIN on the hull. This Boat maker is not owned by a parent company. Dave Exley has started making boats, yachts or other watercraft as of 1/26/1983 and went out of business on (8/9/2005) in the following country: USA.

Boat Recall details below and also at the US Coast Guard website.

The US Coast guard provides this comment about this watercraft manufacturer: Previously Assigned To Spirit Fiberglass Inc(david Exley)being Reactivated To David Exley Under New Co Name Aboveplant Address-6929 Vicky Cr, #2, W. Melbourne, Fl, 32904building 16'skimmer(canoe) Current 8908182/90 Oob Per Mso Pit; In Bus Mso Jax 900912. 04/04/02 Inactive Per Rni. In Business 7/29/03 8/9/05 Rab Per Phonecon With Mr Exley He Hasn't Built Any Boats Yet And Req This Mic Oob.

There are 0 boat Recalls for Dave Exley, the boat maker: